29. I. Richter, P. Wein, Z. Uzum, C. E. Stanley, J. Krabbe, E. M. Molloy, N. Moebius, I. Ferling, F. Hillmann, C. Hertweck. Transcription activator-like effector protects bacterial endosymbionts from entrapment within fungal hyphae. Current Biology, 2023, 33, 2646.
28. C. Zhang, S. de Pasquale, K. Hartman, C. E. Stanley, R. L. Berendsen, M. G. A. van der Heijden. The microbial contribution to litter decomposition and plant growth. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 2023, 1
27. F. Richter, M. Calonne-Salmon, M. G. A. van der Heijden, S. Declerck, C. E. Stanley. AMF-SporeChip provides new insights into arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal pre-symbiotic hyphal growth dynamics at the cellular level. bioRxiv, 2023
26. M. Buffi, G. Cailleau, T. Kuhn, X.-Y. L. Richter, C. E. Stanley, L. Y. Wick, P. S. Chain, S. Bindschedler, P. Junier. Fungal drops: a novel approach for macro-and microscopic analyses of fungal mycelial growth. Microlife, 2023, 4, uqad042
25. F. Richter, S. Bindschedler, M. Calonne-Salmon, S. Declerck, P. Junier, C. E. Stanley. Fungi-on-a-Chip: microfluidic platforms for single-cell studies on fungi. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2022, 46, fuac039
24. T. Kuhn, M. Buffi, S. Bindschedler, P. S. Chain, D. Gonzalez, C. E. Stanley, L. Y. Wick, P. Junier, X.-Y. L. Richter. Design and construction of 3D printed devices to investigate active and passive bacterial dispersal on hydrated surfaces. BMC Biology, 2022, 20, 203
23. E. Masters-Clark, A. J. Clark, C. E. Stanley. Microfluidic tools for probing fungal-microbial interactions at the cellular level. Journal of Visualised Experiments, 2022, e63917
22. B. J. Xiong, C. E. Stanley, C. Dusny, D. Schlosser, H. Harms, L. Y. Wick. pH distribution along growing fungal hyphae at microscope. Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8, 599
21. L. Bernier, P. Junier, G.-B. Stan, C. E. Stanley. Spores-on-a-Chip: New frontiers for spore research. Trends in Microbiology, 2022, 30, 515
20. A. Gimeno*, C. E. Stanley*, N. Ngamenie, M.-H. Hsung, F. Walder, S. S. Schmieder, S. Bindschedler, P. Junier and S. Vogelgsang. A versatile microfluidic platform measures hyphal interactions between Fusarium graminearum and Clonostachys rosea in real-time. Communications Biology, 2021, 4, 262
Joint first authorship
Corresponding author
Article featured on journal front page
19. R. Harting, A. Nagel, K. Nesemann, A. M. Höfer, E. Bastakis, H. Kusch, C. E. Stanley, M. Stöckli, A. Kaever, K. J. Hoff, M. Stanke, A. J. deMello, M. Künzler, C. H. Haney, S. A. Braus-Stromeyer and G. H. Braus. Pseudomonas strains induce transcriptional and morphological changes and reduce root colonization of Verticillium spp. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12, 1247
18. A. Rizza, B. Tang, C. E. Stanley, G. Grossmann, M. R. Owen, L. R. Band and A. M. Jones, Differential biosynthesis and cellular permeability explain longitudinal gibberellin gradients in growing roots. PNAS, 2021, 118, 8. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1921960118
17. M. Guichard, E. Bertran Garcia de Olalla, C. E. Stanley and G. Grossmann, Microfluidic systems for plant root imaging. Methods in Cell Biology, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/bs.mcb.2020.03.012
16. N. Ghanem, C. E. Stanley, H. Harms, A. Chatzinotas and L. Y. Wick. Mycelial effects on phage retention during transport in a microfluidic platform. Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, 53, 11755-11763
15. M. Stöckli, B. Morinaka, G. Lackner, A. Kombrink, R. Sieber, C. Margot, C. E. Stanley, A. J. deMello, J. Piel and M. Künzler. Bacteria-induced production of the antibacterial sesquiterpene lagopodin B in Coprinopsis cinerea. Molecular Microbiology, 2019, 112, 605-619
14. A. Suea-Ngam, P. D. Howes, C. E. Stanley and A. J. deMello, An exonuclease I-assisted silver-metallized electrochemical aptasensor for Ochratoxin A detection. ACS Sensors, 2019, 4, 1560-1568
Article featured on front cover
13. P. Denninger, A. Reichelt, V. Schmidt, D. G. Melhorn, L. Y. Asseck, C. E. Stanley, N. F. Keinath, J. F. Evers, C. Grefen and G. Grossmann. Distinct ROPGEFs successively drive polarization and outgrowth of root hairs. Current Biology, 2019, 29, 1854-1865.e5
12. A. Tayyrov, C. E. Stanley, S. Azevedo, M. Künzler, Combining microfluidics and RNA-sequencing to assess the inducible defensome of a mushroom against nematodes. BMC Genomics, 2019, 20, 243.
11. S. S. Schmieder*, C. E. Stanley*, A. Rzepiela, D. van Swaay, J. Sabotic, S. F. Nørrelykke, A. J. deMello, M. Aebi and M. Künzler. Bidirectional propagation of signals and nutrients in fungal networks via specialised hyphae. Current Biology, 2019, 29, 217-228.e4
Joint first authorship
Article featured in the New York Times! "When Fungi Fight Back"
10. T.‐T. Bui, R. Harting, S. A. Braus‐Stromeyer, V.‐T. Tran, M. Leonard, A. Höfer, A. Abelmann, F. Bakti, O. Valerius, R. Schlüter, C. E. Stanley, A. Ambrósio, G. H. Braus, Verticillium dahliae transcription factors Som1 and Vta3 control microsclerotia formation and sequential steps of plant root penetration and colonisation to induce disease. New Phytologist, 2019, 221, 2138-2159
9. C. E. Stanley*, J. Shrivastava, R. Brugman, E. Heinzelmann, V. Frajs, A. Bühler, D. van Swaay and G. Grossmann*. Fabrication and use of the dual-flow-RootChip for the imaging of Arabidopsis roots in asymmetric microenvironments. Bioprotocol, 2018, 8(18): e3010
First and corresponding author
8. C. E. Stanley, J. Shrivastava, R. Brugman, E. Heinzelmann, D. van Swaay and G. Grossmann. Dual-flow-RootChip reveals local adaptations of roots towards environmental asymmetry at the physiological and genetic level. New Phytologist, 2018, 217, 1357-1369
Article featured on front cover
Article featured on New Phytologist's "Behind the Cover" blog
7. C. E. Stanley*, M. van der Heijden. Microbiome-on-a-Chip: New frontiers in plant microbiota research. Trends in Microbiology, 2017, 25, 610-613.
Article featured on front cover
Corresponding author
6. C. E. Stanley*, G. Grossmann, X. Casadevall i Solvas and A. deMello*. Soil-on-a-Chip: Microfluidic platforms for environmental organismal studies. Lab on a Chip, 2016, 16, 228-241.
Top 25 most downloaded articles published in Lab on a Chip in 2016!
Corresponding author
5. C. E. Stanley, M. Stöckli, D. van Swaay, J. Sabotič, P. Kallio, M. Kuenzler, A. deMello and M. Aebi. Probing bacterial-fungal interactions at the single cell level. Integrative Biology, 2014, 6, 935-945.
News article published in a special issue of Chemie Plus, “Life Sciences Plus"
4. D. van Swaay, J.-P. Mächler, C. E. Stanley and A. deMello. A chip-to-world connector with a built-in reservoir for simple small-volume sample injection. Lab on a Chip, 2013, 14, 178-181
3. C. E. Stanley, R. C. R. Wootton and A. J. deMello. Continuous and segmented flow microfluidics: Applications in high-throughput chemistry and biology. Chimia, 2012, 66, 88-98.
Article featured on front cover
2. C. E. Stanley, K. S. Elvira, X. Z. Niu, A. D. Gee, O. Ces, J. B. Edel and A. J. deMello. A microfluidic approach for high-throughput droplet interface bilayer (DIB) formation. Chemical Communications, 2010, 46, 1620–1622.
Article featured on front cover
News article published on Imperial College London’s Department of Chemistry webpage
1. C. E. Stanley, N. Clarke, K. M. Anderson, J. A. Elder, J. T. Lenthall and J. W. Steed. Anion binding inhibition of the formation of a helical organogel. Chemical Communications, 2006, 3199-3201.
Articles submitted or in preparation
I. Jamil, C. E. Stanley, S. Bindschedler and P. Junier. Targeted mycophagus lifestyle of Lysinibacillus sphaericus against the phytopathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani. in preparation
Invited Presentations
7th Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress, Rotterdam (NL), May 2019. Invited speaker
Biomatsen 2019 - 4th International Conference on Biomaterials and Biosensors, Ölüdeniz (TR), May 2019. Invited speaker
Imperial College London Department of Bioengineering Seminar Series, London (UK), Feb 2019. Invited speaker
Zurich Mycology Symposium, Zurich (CH), Jan 2019. Invited speaker
ISME17, Leipzig (DE), Aug 2018. Invited speaker
Swiss Society for Microbiology Annual Congress, Lausanne (CH), Aug 2018. Invited speaker
Partnerships in Biocontrol, Biostimulants and Microbiome Congress Europe, Rotterdam (NL), May 2018. Invited speaker
University of Neuchâtel Seminar Series, Neuchâtel (CH), May 2018. Invited speaker
Agroscope Symposium, Zurich (CH), Mar 2018. Invited speaker
University of Zurich Seminar Series, Zurich (CH), Dec 2017. Invited speaker
Lab-on-a-Chip & Microfluidics: SelectBio, Berlin (DE), Mar 2015. Invited speaker
EMBL, Microfluidics 2014, Heidelberg (DE), Jul 2014. Plenary speaker (on behalf of Prof. deMello)
Swiss Soft Days Meeting, Zurich (CH), Feb 2014. Invited speaker
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Research Seminar, Heidelberg (DE), Sep 2013. Invited speaker
ETH Zurich Microfluidics Symposium, Zurich (CH), Mar 2012. Invited speaker
SCI Annual General Meeting, London (UK), Jul 2010. Invited speaker
Imperial College Chemistry Department PhD Presentations, London (UK), Jul 2010. Invited speaker
SCI Scholars’ Presentation Evening, Cambridge (UK), Apr 2010. Invited speaker
London Chemical Biology Conference, London (UK), Sep 2009. Invited speaker and poster presented
Joint DTC Conference, London (UK), Apr 2009. Invited speaker and conference organiser
Non Specific Binding Colloquium, London (UK), Mar 2009. Invited speaker
Masters of Research Conference, London (UK), Aug 2007. Invited speaker
Claire E. Stanley, Stefanie S. Schmieder, Markus Künzler, Jagriti Shrivastava, Guido Grossmann and Andrew J. deMello. Soil-on-a-Chip: Probing the interplay between fungi, nematodes, bacteria and plant roots. EPFL Latsis Symposium. Nov 2016.
Philipp Denninger, Rik Brugman, Jagriti Shrivastava, Vanessa A. F. Schmidt, Claire E. Stanley and Guido Grossmann. Soil-on-a-chip: Root development and intercellular communication in complex environments. Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting Vienna. Sep 2016.
Martina Stöckli, Claire E. Stanley, Dirk van Swaay, Pauli T. Kallio, Markus Künzler, Andrew J. deMello, Markus Aebi. Cellular interactions between Coprinopsis cinerea and bacteria shown in microfluidic platforms. GSA 28th Fungal Genetics Conference. Mar 2015.
Stefanie S. Schmieder, Claire E. Stanley, Dirk van Swaay, Andrew J. deMello, Markus Aebi, Markus Künzler. Fungal defense against nematodes - Microfluidics to monitor induction of effector proteins in individual hyphae. GSA 28th Fungal Genetics Conference. Mar 2015.
Claire E. Stanley. Microfluidic platforms for probing the interplay between living organisms at the single cell level. Lab-on-a-Chip & Microfluidics: SelectBio. Mar 2015.
Kai Nesemann, Susanna A. Braus-Stromeyer, Claire E. Stanley, Martina Stöckli, Andrew J. deMello, Markus Künzler, Markus Aebi, Gerhard H. Braus. Verticillium infection of tomato and oilseed rape can be suppressed by the biocontrol rhizobacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens. Association for General and Applied Microbiology - VAAM, Mar 2015.
Claire E. Stanley, Jagriti Shrivastava, Rik Brugman, Dirk van Swaay, Andrew deMello, Guido Grossmann. An imaging platform for environmental control and guidance of Arabidopsis root. 9th Tri National Arabidopsis Meeting TNAM 2014. Sep 2014.
Claire E. Stanley, Jagriti Shrivastava, Rik Brugman, Dirk van Swaay, Andrew deMello, Guido Grossmann. An imaging platform for environmental control and guidance of Arabidopsis root. Interdisciplinary plant development. Sep 2014.
Claire E. Stanley, Jagriti Shrivastava, Rik Brugman, Dirk van Swaay, Andrew deMello, Guido Grossmann. Tracking molecular flux in roots. 7th International Symposium on Root Development, Rooting 2014. Sep 2014.
Claire E. Stanley, Jagriti Shrivastava, Rik Brugman, Dirk van Swaay, Andrew deMello, Guido Grossmann. Tracking molecular flux in roots. International ERATO Higashiyama Live-Holonics Symposium 2014 “Plant Live-Cell Imaging and Microdevices”. Sep 2014.
Claire E. Stanley and Andrew J. deMello. Microfluidic platforms for the exploration of living organisims and their interactions: from cells to animals. EMBL, Microfluidics 2014. Jul 2014.
Claire E. Stanley, Martina Stöckli, Dirk van Swaay, Pauli T. Kallio, Markus Künzler, Andrew J. deMello, Markus Aebi. Investigation of bacterial-fungal interactions using microfluidic platforms. Swiss Soft Days. Feb 2014.
Claire E. Stanley, Martina Stöckli, Pauli T. Kallio, Markus Künzler, Markus Aebi, Andrew J. deMello. Microfluidic platforms for monitoring interactions between filamentous fungi and bacteria. CNRS - Jacques Monod Conference Bacterial-Fungal Interactions. Dec 2013.
Martina Stöckli, Claire E. Stanley, Pauli T. Kallio, Markus Künzler, Andrew J. deMello, Markus Aebi. Investigation of the interaction between Coprinopsis cinerea and Bacillus subtilis using microfluidic platforms. CNRS - Jacques Monod Conference Bacterial-Fungal Interactions. Dec 2013.
David F. Plaza, Stefanie S. Schmieder, Claire E. Stanley, Andrew J. deMello, Markus Aebi, Markus Künzler. Effector proteins in fungal defense against fungivorous nematodes: Diversity and regulation of expression. GSA 27th Fungal Genetics Conference. Mar 2013.
Martina Stöckli, Claire E. Stanley, Pauli Kallio, Markus Künzler, Andrew deMello, Markus Aebi. Microfluidic platforms for monitoring interactions between fungi and bacteria. GSA 27th Fungal Genetics Conference. Mar 2013.