Our latest news!

Article accepted for publication in Environmental Science and Technology!
September 19, 2019
​​Claire's collaborative work with Dr. Lukas Wick has yielded a research article entitled "Mycelial effects on phage retention during transport in a microfluidic platform" that has been accepted for publication in Environmental Science and Technology.

Article accepted for publication in Molecular Microbiology!
May 08, 2019
​​Claire's collaborative work with Prof. Markus Kuenzler has yielded a research article entitled "Bacteria-induced production of the antibacterial sesquiterpene lagopodin B in Coprinopsis cinerea" that has been accepted for publication in Molecular Microbiology.

Article accepted for publication in ACS Sensors!
May 08, 2019
​​Claire's collaborative work with Prof. Andrew deMello has yielded a research article entitled "An exonuclease I-assisted silver-metallized electrochemical aptasensor for Ochratoxin A detection" that has been accepted for publication in ACS Sensors.

Simon joins the team. Welcome!
April 22, 2019
Simon Binder joins Team Microbiome-Microscopy (ETHZ Master Student). Welcome!

Article accepted for publication in Current Biology!
April 07, 2019
​​​Claire's collaborative work with Dr Guido Grossmann has yielded a research article entitled "Distinct RopGEFs successively drive polarization and outgrowth of root hairs" that has been accepted for publication in Current Biology.

Eric joins the team. Welcome!
March 31, 2019
Eric Risse joins Team Microbiome-Microscopy (Internship). Welcome!

Article accepted for publication in BMC Genomics!
March 12, 2019
​Claire's collaborative work with Prof. Markus Kuenzler has yielded a research article entitled "Combining microfluidics and RNA-sequencing to assess the inducible defensome of a mushroom against nematodes" that has been accepted for publication in BMC Genomics.
Article featured in The New York Times!
January 14, 2019
Claire's manuscript "Bidirectional Propagation of Signals and Nutrients in Fungal Networks via Specialized Hyphae" published in Current Biology in January 2019 has been featured in The New York Times. You can read the article "When Fungi Fight Back" here.

Simone joins the team. Welcome!
January 06, 2019
Simone de Pasquale joins Team Microbiome-Microscopy (UZH Master Student). Welcome!

Article accepted for publication in Current Biology!
November 22, 2018
​Claire's research article "Bidirectional propagation of signals and nutrients in fungal networks via specialized hyphae" has been accepted for publication in Current Biology.

Article accepted for publication in New Phytologist!
September 25, 2018
​Claire's collaborative work with Prof. Gerhard Braus has yielded a research article entitled "Verticillium dahliae transcription factors Som1 and Vta3 control microsclerotia formation and sequential steps of plant root penetration and colonisation to induce disease" that has been accepted for publication in New Phytologist.

Maggie joins the team. Welcome!
September 02, 2018
Ming-Hui Hsung joins Team Microbiome-Microscopy (Internship - ETH Zurich Master Student). Welcome!

Article accepted for publication in Bio-protocol!
August 29, 2018
Claire's research article "Fabrication and use of the dual-flow-RootChip for the imaging of Arabidopsis roots in asymmetric microenvironments" has been accepted for publication in Bio-protocol.
Cover art featured on front cover of New Phytologist!
January 16, 2018
Claire's article "Dual-flow-RootChip reveals local adaptations of roots towards environmental asymmetry at the physiological and genetic level" (and artwork!) is featured on the front cover of New Phytologist.
The article was also featured on New Phytologist's blog "Behind the Cover"!

Article accepted for publication in Trends in Microbiology!
April 30, 2017
Claire's article "Microbiome-on-a-Chip: New frontiers in plant microbiota research" has been accepted for publication in Trends in Microbiology.
"An enigmatic concoction of interactions between microbes and hosts takes place below ground, yet the function(s) of the individual components in this complex playground are far from understood. This Forum article highlights how microfluidic – or ‘Microbiome-on-a-Chip’ – technology could help to shed light on such relationships, opening new frontiers in plant–microbiota research."

Linus joins the team. Welcome!
April 15, 2017
Linus Ender joins Team Microbiome-Microscopy (Bachelor thesis). Welcome!

Andreas joins the team. Welcome!
April 02, 2017
​Andreas Buehler joins Team Microbiome-Microscopy (intern). Welcome!

Chantal joins the team. Welcome!
March 31, 2017
Dr Chantal Le Marie joins Team Microbiome-Microscopy (Research Technician and Scientist). Welcome!